Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Speed-up Internet Connection in Windows 7/vista/xp

When we use Windows 7/vista/xp it doesn't give us full bandwidth speed as it has to maintain OS IDLE MODE. This idle mode is also applicable for processor, RAM, Audio & Video processing units to comfort a user but using or applying  some tricks we can do it very simply.

Today we are going to know how to modify the idle or limit mode of bandwidth without doing any harm to Windows OS.
It's a normal trick by using Group Policy Editor or gpedit. Just follow the steps.....
  1. Go to Start>run to run a command.
  2. In run type gpedit.msc and hit enter or click ok. The Group Policy Editor window will open if you have the sufficient privilege on the computer.

     3.  In Group Policy Editor window select Computer Configuration in the left side and expand the Administrative Template array sign.
     4.Under the Administrative Template expand Network and select QoS Packet Scheduler.
     5. After selecting QoS Packet Scheduler some settings will be shown in the right side and select Limit reservable bandwidth.
 Administrative Template>Network>QoS Packet Scheduler
     6. To modify this setting double click on Limit reservable bandwidth and get the properties of that.
     7. By default it is not configured (not configured or default value is 20%). So Enable it from option and decrease the value to 0%.
Enable Limit reservable bandwidth to 0%
     8. Then apply this setting and complete it clicking ok. You have to restart your internet connection.
That's all. Enjoy a full speed internet connection which is provided by your ISP.

How to fix errors by uninstalling windows update

Microsoft corporation offers updates for their Windows OS to increase various performances and security. If your windows update is selected to automatically then it will install updates without informing you. When your update settings are manual or customized then it will notify you before updating your system.
Whenever your OS installs an optional or beta update, some update began to create problems. Such as bluescreen error, sudden restart, close any program showing some error codes etc. Did you update your Windows and getting those errors? If you are, then nothing to worry just follow this tutorial which will solve your problem.
  • Search the keyword “Windows Update” in windows search and open Windows Update. It will be also found in Control Panel>System and Security>Windows Update.
windows update
search Windows update
  • From this Windows Update menu bar select view update history from left and it will review your update history.
  • solve errors uninstalling update
    View update history
  • Now select the installed update link as shown below.
Fix windows errors uninstalling updates
Installed Updates
  • Here the Uninstall an update menu bar will allow you to uninstall an update.
uninstall update
Uninstall an update
  • Right click on an installed update from the list and try to remember the date, when your system starts giving errors. Uninstall that or those updates to fix errors.
You can uninstall all optional updates but keep it in your mind that uninstalling important updates may create major problems.

How to solve Folders Showing as Shortcuts, Hidden in USB/Memory-Card/HDD

By connecting flash drives to the affected computer, often it shows flash drive containing just some folder's shortcuts. Sometimes it shows nothing though drive's properties show it has files in it. Even we get some inaccessible folder or file. This type of problem may also seen in our local drives (HDD partitions). Even paid anti-virus is unable to resolve those folders, they just scan and detect The AUTORUN worm which one will execute all programs. Then our important files remain hidden.

hidden folders shortcuts
Hidden folders and Shortcuts by the Autorun Worm

Here we will see how can we solve this problem by using command line and batch file. Though the batch file is nothing but the executable file contains command lines. So solving the hidden and shortcut problem of USB or drives, we must have the administrator privilege as we will execute something.

Using Command line:

To solve/fix the folder's hidden or system file, the easiest way is to run a command line. You can apply this command to USB and local drive as well, need to change the drive_letter.

Go to Run, type cmd and hit enter. In command prompt just type:

attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d drive_letter:\*.* 

And hit enter. Be sure you've typed the drive letter (e.g. j:,h: or D:) instead of "drive_letter" in the command line. My USB drive letter is J: and my command should looks like:
Command to change files attributs
Command for unhide system-hidden files on a drive

All files and folders will be normal and you should be able to delete the shortcuts, created by the virus.
Command line details: Here atrib=attribute, "-"=remove attribute/permits, h=hidden s=system, r=read-only, a=archive, /s=sub directory, /d=directory, drive_letter=the letter of the drive shown in windows explorer (e.g. j:,h: or D:) and *.* is called the wild card for all files.
If you don't like to be a "command Ninja" then see below.

USB, MicroSD, MiniSD or other Mmory Cards issue:

     1. Connect your USB or memory card to the PC or laptop.

     2. Copy these lines and paste it into a "new text file"

@echo off
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d drive_letter:\*.*

3. In the 3rd line give the drive letter name (Example: J or K or L etc.) instead of "drive_name"

4. Save the text file as any_name.bat

5. Double click on the any_name.bat file and it will run in the command prompt and see the hidden files/folders come back.

6. Delete the shortcuts and unnecessary files and folders from USB drive.

Local drive issue:

1. Copy these lines and paste it into a "new text file"

@echo off 
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d D:\*.*
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d E:\*.*
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d F:\*.*
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d G:\*.*
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d H:\*.*
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d I:\*.*
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d J:\*.*
@echo complete.
2. Save the text file as a bat file (example: any_name.bat)

3. Run this bat file by double-clicking on it.

Thus you can solve this kind of problems with a *.bat file. You can save the *.bat file for solving this hidden problem.

Important: These tutorials are applied for Windows 7/Vista/xp. You must have the administrative privilege to run the command or execute the .bat file. Put the " : " after the j, k, or D (drive letters). These commands are not case sensitive.

How to create a password reset disk in Windows 7

The password of a user account is to make that account security and password reset system allows a user to reset his forgotten password. We set a password to our desktop, laptop or any other device for secure our data and system. If you are using windows 7 then this OS will allow to create a password reset disk in a very simple way.

This disk will be your flash-drive and after creating a password reset disk, it will allow to reset your forgotten password in logging mode. It is no needed download any software or ISO file and burn them to a CD/DVD, if you have a flash-drive with 2.0 KB free space.
Simple way to create a password reset disk in windows 7
  • Plug-in your flash-drive or USB drive.

  • Open the Control Panel

  • Navigate to User Accounts (if the control panel is shows all control panel items) or User Account and Family Safety>User Accounts (if the control panel shows Computer Settings).

  • The previous action will turn you in current user account to Make Changes Current User Account.
Create password reset disk
  • Just look at the left side to find out Create a Password Reset Disk and click on it.
  • Now "forgotten password"  Wizard should come and if it is then press Next.
Forgotten password wizard
  • In this section select your flash-drive on which you want to create a password reset disk.
Select flash-dive
  • Select your disk and go Next where you have to provide a current account password.
Provide current account password
  • Hit the Next and the password reset disk will start to create it.
100% complete
  • Press Next after completing 100% progress.
  • Hit Finish to finish the wizard and you are done!

For now whenever you will forget your log on password just plug in your flash-drive and click on reset password. Windows 7 will show this option after hitting wrong password first time. You are also allowed to create a password reset disk when you are not the admin and not working under an admin account.
A new file named "userkey.psw" will be created on your flash drive which should keep save as it is needed to reset your password.

3 Ways to Enable Administrator Account in Window 7

The administrator account is a hidden, disabled and built-in account with Windows 7/Vista/xp. But a user can enable this account for some special actions. Such as troubleshooting, installing harmful software or some special networking tasks. By default, most of the user accounts are a part/member of the Administrator account. Others are standard accounts without being any part of an administrator account.

Windows disabled this account to prevent malicious programs and harmful activities on the system. So any special task of system needs administrative privilege and the annoying UAC (User Account Control) bar will pop up for the users, except the administrator account.

This post will show you how to enable Administrator account in three easy ways. Choose only one method from below to activate administrator account.

Method#1. Using command prompt:

Search cmd.exe in start menu and run cmd.exe as administrator.
Start menu > cmd.exe 

To enable Administrator account Type: net user administrator /active:yes

To enable administrator account 

Hit enter and the command should execute successfully.

Command line to disable this account: net user administrator /active:no
To disable administrator account 

Method#2. From Local Users and Groups

Go to control panel navigate to Administrative tools and computer management.
Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer management  
Expand the Local users and Groups arrow and select Users. Then, From the right pane, double-click on the Administrator.
Local users and Groups > Users & Administrator  
Un-check the "Account is disable" and it should be look like below.

Administrator account properties

OK it and your settings will be saved.

From here you can also disable the Administrator or other account.

Method#3. From Local Security Policy

Type secpol.msc in start menu and run it as administrator.
start menu > secpol.msc 

From this Local Security Policies, expand the security options under the Local Policies.

Find "Account: Administrator account status" from the right pane.
Local Security Policies 
Open the "Account: Administrator account status" and choose Enabled to enable it.
Administrator account status 

You can also disable it from here.

After completing any of above processes, reboot your PC or log off. Now you will see a new account "Administrator" which has no password by default. Log in to this account and enjoy the real administrator power of your PC.

Friday, January 11, 2013

How To Install Android-x86 4.0 Using QEMU On Ubuntu 11.10/12.04

In this guide we will see how to install Android-x86 4.0 (based on ICS) or any older version of Android-x86 under Ubuntu using the QEMU processor emulator. You can find all Android releases here, but in this tutorial we will see how to install the Android-x86 4.0 release available for ASUS laptops.

The installation will be in the home directory of Ubuntu, specifically in the android-x86 folder, you can set any other folder name, but make sure you set it correctly in the commands given below.

Getting Started

Download the Android-x86 4.0 iso file to your home directory (inside the "android-x86" folder) with the following commands:

mkdir ~/android-x86/ && cd ~/android-x86/

wget -O android-x86-4.0.iso

Install now QEMU with the following command:

sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm

Let's now create a virtual machine called
android-4.0.img, you can rename it to whatever you want. The size for this virtual machine is 1GB, you can set it to any other value depending on the free space you have.
Create it now with this command:

qemu-img create ~/android-x86/android-4.0.img 1G

To start the installation, run these commands:

cd ~/android-x86/

kvm -m 512 -cdrom android-x86-4.0.iso -hda android-4.0.img -boot d

 Note: the -m 512 parameter is used to set the memory size for the virtual machine, you can adjust it to whatever you want.

In the fisrt screen, select "
Installation - Install Android-x86 to harddisk" and press Enter:

In the next screen, select "Create/Modify partitions" and press Enter:

In the "cfdisk" screen, select "New" and press Enter:

Keep the "Primary" option selected and press Enter:

You will be prompted now to enter disk size, press simply Enter to use all available disk space:

Select the "Bootable" option and press Enter:

The disk  must be marked as bootable under the "Flags" label, then select "Write":

Type "yes" to confirm. After the operation is complete, quit the current screen:

The disk already created will now show up in the partition selection screen, select it and press Enter:

Select now the "ext3" filesystem and press Enter, then confirm your action:

If you receive this error:

cannot mount /dev/sdaX

Then select the "
ntfs" file system instead and repeat the operation. You will be then prompted whether to install or not the GRUB boot loader, select "Yes" and press Enter:

The next screen is optional, which is needed for debugging and may take much disk space. So, select "No" and press Enter:

 When the installation is successful, you will get this screen:

Select "Reboot" and press enter. Wait now while Android-x86 4.0 is starting up:

You can start later the Android OS with this command from the terminal:

kvm -m 512 -hda ~/android-x86/android-4.0.img

Note: Tested under Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) and Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) and may work in older versions of Ubuntu (11.04/10.10, etc.).

Source :

How To Install Ubuntu 12.10 Using VirtualBox